Website Audits

Sad, but true - if people cannot find your website, it doesn't matter how much money you've spent on website development - it becomes a useless asset and a waste of money.

What people often ignore is the fact that most websites can be FIXED - or optimised - effectively to start producing better search engine results. Instead, many business managers decide pay per click ads (sponsored links) are the way to go. But cost per click ads should be used to SUPPLEMENT your website's search engine strategy, not replace it.

Don't get me wrong - sponsored links are very important. But your website should be producing most of your traffic by itself - not your sponsored links. Actual figures vary, however roughly 60% to 80% of people click the organic results - NOT the sponsored, PPC or CPC links.

That is where a website audit becomes a very powerful and cost effective service. Auditing your website for problems that prevent it from achieving better search engine results can produce increased sales and profits, and reduce your monthly sponsored link expenditure dramatically.

At the very LEAST it will highlight potential problems or hazards in your website that may need attention either immediately or at a later date.

The wise move is to choose a company that can show it has a history of producing great results. Just don't be so sure you have to pay a monthly fee to keep your site at the top of the search engine results.

I've optimised websites that haven't been touched for well over a year and they STILL produce excellent results for the clients, and are STILL on page one for highly searched for and competitive key phrases.

A good website audit will look at your site as a whole and provide feedback on construction, navigability, coding validation, aesthetics, accessibility, etc., as well look into individual elements and suggest ways to improve your results. Also, be prepared to become involved by spending more time promoting your website through the social web.

The fact is, a lot of websites miss even the most basic search engine optimisation that allows their competitors to beat them every time. So, rather than look for an effective solution to "fix" the website, they simply take the "easy" way out and run pay per click campaigns, thus costing hundreds or even thousands of dollars per month.

But don't be under any illusions that a website audit will fix ALL your woes - the resulting report may mean you have to rethink your website strategy to move forward, or it may simply indicate you need to make some relatively minor changes that will see you shoot up in the search engine results.
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