Gain High PageRank Easily

Achieve Good Page Rank by Purchasing High PR Text Links

Before you read this article ensure that you know what is a PR? To know about it please refer to this article.

Getting PR2 or high PR website links to your site is the fastest and easier way to get extremely increasing web site traffic to your site and to top the search engines. It is said that a one-way high Page rank link will grant your web site a Pagerank of minimum two points below that of the linking website. It means that a link from a PR10 site could help you to gain PR8 for your web site.

Why is it Important to Buy High Page Rank Text Links? (Aka PR) It is almost impossible to get a link from an extremely traffic web site, if your site cannot compete with the site you wish to exchange links with. Google considers a link from page A to page B as a vote, by page A for page B. But, Google looks at more than the sheer volume of votes, or links a page receives; it also analyzes the page that casts the vote. Votes cast by pages that are themselves "important" weigh more heavily and help to make other pages "important."

Receiving a link from an "'important" web site would help to boost your web page popularity, in resulting higher Search Engine Ranking. As an added bonus you would also receive hundreds of visitors from such a link.

Such links are available for sale, they are not cheap, but some savvy SEO's are weaving "Pay for PR Links" into their overall strategy.

How much should be the term of Buying High PR Text Links? Buying high PR links should be done for about 6 months. Because of the nice PR boost your web site will get from such a link, you will find that it will be much easier for you to find other high quality (and high PR) reciprocal link partners at no cost to you. After getting these high quality links you can move away from the pay-for-pagerank links, without losing your PR.

PageRank Levels * PR5 - You should be able to reach this level on your own. * PR6 - Good, it takes hard work to reach this PR level. * PR7 - Very good, but Hard to reach. Worth buying these links. * PR8 - Very hard and long process to get to this level. * PR9 - Nearly impossible. It worth a lot of money. Not found very often. * PR10 - and a couple of other sites only get this high Page rank.

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