Blogging for SEO

If you’re SEO link building using organic methods, chances are that the words ‘guest post’ have come across your radar. Search engine optimization experts recommend guest posting on blogs as an easy way to get a high-quality link. Compared to other methods, it’s surprisingly easy.

Don’t be tempted to mistake ‘easy’ for ‘effortless’, however. If you’re thinking about making a guest post on a popular blog as part of your SEO marketing campaign, it’s important to put your best foot forward.

*Choose your topic carefully. It’s no use covering something that’s been done to death, or has already been well-covered by the blogger who has invited you to guest. To impress your audience and increase the likelihood of drawing traffic back to your site, your post has to be something special. Talk to us at about choosing topics for guest blogging.

*Don’t give it your second-best. It’s tempting to send off mediocre content for a guest post. After all, if you’re going to spend time crafting content, it’s only natural to want to see it benefit your SEO campaign directly. Putting mediocre content out on the net is never a good idea. Boost your reputation with top-notch content.

*Remember that you have two audiences. It’s always important to think of your reader when composing content. If you’re guest blogging, you have two groups of readers. While the audience of the blog should be your main concern, don’t forget that you’re out to impress the blog’s owner as well.


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