The importance of link building strategies

When you hire search engine optimisation services, you will be inundated with various forms of link building strategies. Link building services look fairly straightforward on the surface, but when you delve into them you will realise that they go a lot deeper than you may initially think. There are various layers to link building and at we know this can be confusing to some companies. To help understand link building in more detail, it is a good idea to break them down into various sections and focus on each section or type of link one step at a time.

One very effective link strategy is that of reciprocal links. The basic theory behind this is to team up with another website and both provide mutual links to each other’s websites. This needs to be beneficial to both parties and the websites involved need to be relevant to each other. It is quite common for websites to adopt this strategy within article or blog pages, and either comment on the other site’s content or recommend users follow a link to the other website.

Link baiting is one of the most common strategies which companies use, and is all about catching and grabbing attention, as well as getting other people to recommend links to your website too. The best way to entice people in this way is to post relevant and fresh content. Real time searching is good for this, as are social networking sites. If you can write a strong and concise piece of copy, then other sites are more inclined to just comment on your pages and post a link to it, rather than just re-write the content and post it themselves. Anything controversial will usually work well as link bait too, as the online world will be discussing it and distributing the information really quickly.

Backlinks and inbound links are one of the most important things when it comes to making your website work well for you. It is a similar strategy to link baiting, and ultimately results in the same outcome, except backlinks will often come from directories and other web pages as more of a recommendation or a trusted source. Having strong backlinks not only dramatically increases traffic to your website, but it also creates a more relevant and trustworthy site. This, in turn, is then favoured more by the search engines and in most cases will increase page ranking within SERPs.

Link building within your website is also very important. Where you refer to your company name within a piece of content, it can be good to have this phrase as a link back to your homepage. Navigation is the key, and incorporating a ‘quick links’ section into your homepage for the most commonly searched for topics or information is a great way to make your site more user friendly, and easy for users to get around. Links are what make the online world go round, so getting them right in all instances is crucial.

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