Tips for Enhancing your Content Writing

It takes time to develop the skill of writing balanced content for your website. Once you have mastered the art of producing material that appeals to both readers and search engines there are more enhancements you can use to make them even more effective:

Internal link building

Outstanding content is essential for successful SEO but internal link building is often tackled poorly. Internal links are vital for successful SEO campaigns and if done effectively will ensure positive page rankings. Pages are also easier to navigate as a result and by using tools such as SEO Smart Links you can automatically set up good quality links.

Title tags, URLs and meta descriptions

Page titles are often overlooked and yet these small details can have a big impact on SEO rankings. Using long winded titles can be mistake and cause issues with Google. Keep then short. The same applies to URLs – use five words maximum. Also check out your meta descriptions.

Keyword research

Once the topic for an article has been found then look at the keywords for that area. Use free keyword research tools to keep your budget fluid. Be aware that the data is sometimes inconsistent, but you’ll gain some excellent insights. Use tools to highlight key phrase variations which can inspire new inspiration for further articles. Every new keyword and phrase can open up new topics to write about on your blog section or in information articles.

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