7 Ways to Be a Great Social Media User

Want to become better at social media? If you’re new to social media marketing or you aren’t too sure you’re making the most of your social media usage, there are several things you can do to boost your social media profile and maximize your social media marketing efforts. Here are 7 ways you can build a more powerful social media presence and network while making the most of your social media marketing efforts.

1. Get social!

One of the most important aspects of being a great social media user is socializing! After all, that is what social media networks were made for. For example, if you are using Twitter, make it a point to get to know your followers and interact with them. It’s more valuable to have just a few dozen followers that you actually interact with on a regular basis versus having tons of followers that you haven’t uttered a word to.

If you use social voting sites, network with users by sharing their content with others and discussing their content in the comments section.

2. Spread your social media presence across various networks

If you want to build a stronger brand and network, consider using more than just one social media outlet. For example, if you use Twitter to build rapport with your followers, you can take your relationships to the next level by befriending them on Facebook or LinkedIn. On a social network like Facebook or LinkedIn, you can share photos, connections, and much more.

3. Contribute

Social voting sites like Digg survive and thrive because of user submissions. Rather than just supporting your friends’ content on social voting sites, make it a point to also contribute your own quality content so you can build up your account.

4. Be real

Be yourself, strive to get to know others, and the friends and followers will eventually come. While there are several reports out there about how you can get 10,000 Twitter followers instantly, what the optimum number of times is that you should submit articles to Digg each day, and so on, aim to be real instead of doing whatever is better statistically. People can spot a fake from miles away.

5. Manage your reputation

Reputation management applies more to business social media accounts than personal ones. Social media can be a highly effective way to get feedback from your customers, respond to complaints, and provide customer service. Comcast did this very successfully on Twitter by responding to all negative tweets about Comcast and providing solutions to the customers’ problems from the @comcastcares Twitter account.

6. Stay relevant

If you want to network with people in your niche and build your brand, it’s essential to share and promote relevant stories in your industry. Doing so will help you build beneficial business relationships, promote your own content, and network with people who share similar interests.

7. Dare to be different

Want to get the attention of a certain person or group of people? Don’t just vote for their content or retweet it. Dare to strike up interesting conversations, use humor, get snarky, or do anything else that would make your presence stand out. Ultimately, you should aim to let your real personality shine through rather than just copying what everyone else is doing.

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