Advantages of Link Building

Link building contains many techniques and advantages. While reading further you will discover the advantages of link building, and why link building is a great way to drive traffic into your site or network. There are different methods of link building. Common ones include: reciprocal links, direct linking, signature links, and social networking. All will be discussed along with the advantages of link building in this article.

Link building leads to traffic generation. A link to your personal web site on any other site on the internet acts as an advertisement for visitors to come and peek into your site, and this is what a lot of users actually do. Therefore, any website that has enormous number of links from related websites pointing to it automatically gets an increased flow of relevant traffic. Since most popular websites will be ready to place your back link for free if you put in a blog, comment or article, link building is almost comparable to free advertising.

A crucial factor that decides the faith of where your web page will be in a “run search” result is Google page rank. A page rank is something that is mostly based on a site’s link popularity. To accomplish a high page rank (PR), it is important that the existing links to that particular site is high in numbers. When a high page rank is reached, the Search Engine Ranking Position (SERP) will also be at a good status.

Link popularity plays a big role when it comes to reputation and trust. If you are providing promising and genuine information to the web surfers, you become a trustable source. This could be done in many ways. For example, when blogging or posting an article on the internet, the readers are looking forward to a reliable information. If done correctly, people will start trusting your professional advice. Furthermore, they will start doing business with you because of the reputation that you have created through link building.

The financial advantages of link building are about as much as the hair follicles on your head. Apart from a bunch of free advertising, link building is financially profitable in numerous ways. For example, since popularity will only get relevant traffic to your site, in many cases, this would probably lead to conversions – which could be the products that you’re selling, downloading your digital content, reading or clicking on the advertisements that you have on your site. Another advantage is that if your site contains high link popularity, you will receive higher rates just in case you want to sell your website to a new owner.

Link building is a lifestyle. Although there are many advantages to gain traffic to your site, your ultimate goal should be to pursue link building with quality and care. There are many techniques to in applying an effective link building campaign. The number one tip is to write the most engaging, unique, authoritative, compelling, and best content you can. Remember, we are focusing on quality not quantity. Twenty high quality links are better than 2,000 low-quality links. A common mistake people tend to make is using any particular type of link too much. For example, if 90% of your links are from directories, then you need to mix it up a bit. Most importantly, don’t build too fast. Building too fast will warn you out. Try spending time on getting high quality links.

Some of the most frequently used methods for building links are directories, backlinks, blogs, article submission, press releases, forums, social networking, media sites, reciprocal links, supporting organizations, local sources, linkbait, creative linking, and paid text link advertisements. Those methods are described in more detail below.

- Directories: Web directories are collections of web pages with similar subjects and similar content.

- Backlinks: Backlinks are links from other websites to your site. They’re sometimes known as incoming links, inbound links, or even IBLs.

- Blogs: A journal or diary that is posted on the Internet.

- Article: A story, report, and essay.

- Press Releases: Written statement that is sent to the media so that it can be publicized.

- Forums: Is a bulletin board system in the form of a discussion site.

- Social Networking: * A broad class of web sites and services that allow you to connect with friends, family, and colleagues online, as well as meet people with similar interests.

- Media Sites: * For our discussion, this is very similar to Social Networking. For example Youtube, Liveleak, Metacafe, and Google Videos.

- Reciprocal links: Links between two Websites based on an agreement between the two owners.

- Supporting Organizations: Supporting local meetings, activities, and certain interests amongst the people.
- Local Sources: Communicating with your community and volunteer help for local organizations.

- Linkbaits: Any content or feature within a website that somehow baits viewers to place links to it from other websites.

- Creative linking: Building links through different logical ideas.

- Paid Text Link: Paying money to enhance traffic to your web site.

In conclusion link building is a great way to drive traffic to your web site or network. There are many methods to pursue; common ones are reciprocal links, direct linking, signature links, and social networking. If combined with great techniques and hard valuable work, you’re a big step ahead from your competitor.

1 comment:

  1. There are lots to choose from and using such will surely give you what you want in terms of sales and product visibility. Using it the right way will also increase consumer trust. But these come together with great techniques and hard valuable work - and also some good luck. :)

    -> Venice Abolafia
