Benefits Of Social Bookmarking

Virtually every way to make money online, be it an e-business, a blog, internet marketing campaign, or so on, requires traffic in order to succeed. Traffic relies heavily on several key factors, perhaps the most important of which is the number of users coming in from search engines. Therefore, increasing your search engine rank (how early your site appears in the results pages for a given key phrase) plays a large role in dictating how much traffic your site gets. Social bookmarking is a tool commonly used to improve the amount of traffic to websites. Here, we’ll go over how to increase your search engine rank using social bookmarking, as well as other ways in which social bookmarking can benefit your web site.

Social bookmarking refers to a method of sharing links, news, and other information on a given site. Commonly used social bookmarking sites include digg, reddit, StumpleUpon, and These sites allow users to share everything from entire websites to individual articles, videos, music, and much more. By marketing your website on social bookmarking sites, you enable it to become something that people share with each other, branching out and expanding over time.

This internet marketing technique is known as viral marketing, because of the self perpetuating nature of that which is being marketed. It is a highly efficient form of advertising, and is also tremendously cost effective. This cost effectiveness comes from the fact that the marketing campaign allows users to promote the product or website on their own, and other than the costs for the original creation of the content being marketed, the growing campaign is free. By taking advantage of the way social bookmarking sites work, you can create a small piece of seed content (a video, for example) and then allow the popularity of that content to explode as more people find and share it.

Viral marketing through social bookmarking sites essentially takes the same tactics as a word-of-mouth advertising campaign and puts it in a setting to which hundreds of millions of people have access. If you are looking for a new way to promote products or content on a website, there are few methods more effective than viral marketing. Social bookmarking sites play a key role in developing a high level of exposure and hype for any upcoming or existing product, all for a very small amount of cost to the marketer.

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