How to get Back links now ?

Getting Back links is an easy task but getting links from Good Sites is a little tricky and difficult task. You can easily get Back links by spending money, but I think we are not interested in that.

Best way of Getting Link Backs for free is by Posting. That is by Posting comments on other blogs, replying to threads in Forums and Posting Articles on Guest Blogging Sites or article directories like Ezine.

Another way is by Link Exchange. Link exchange is a simple thing that You do my muffin so I do yours, uh.. it means you place my link on your Blog/Site so I place your link on my Blog/Site.

For Posting Comments you could use my Blog too, I approve all comments except for spam, most Blogs do have comments option but not every site gives link back as for example Smashing Magazine.

For link exchange you can use forums like Digital Point Forums for finding Link Exchangers.

Creating Backlinks:

Backlinks, also referred to as inbound links, are the essence of search engine ranking. If you do not have enough budget to pay for online advertising, having a multitude of backlinks will help increase your website’s chances of getting listed on page one of Google searches and on other search engines as well.

Backlinks are links you put in another website that lead back to your own website. Linking to secure and superior websites, which have excellent search engine positions, pulls up your site’s page ranking.

Regularly updating your site, consistently publishing new content, being active in forums, frequently commenting on blogs and submitting your website feeds to various online directories are some of the ways in improving your search engine position.

Having an account with social bookmarking websites is also a good way of building backlinks. These websites are quite famous and normally have thousands, or even over a million, members. What happens is end users join and make their own profiles on the sites where they can upload pictures, write information about themselves, and include their favorite websites as bookmarks. You then put tags, which are one- or two-word descriptions of the sites you have bookmarked, that will be saved to a list for everyone to see. (Unless you choose to make it private.)

In addition, with the arrival of Web 2.0, winning backlinks have now become a piece of cake. A lot of websites nowadays are more user-friendly. Visitors can sign up, create profiles, and post comments on the articles posted on that particular website. In most circumstances, the site owner gives h

is or her reaction to these comments or answers some questions asked. In doing so, a sort of chat page is created, leading to frequent visits from people who have posted their comments.

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