SEO Advantages of Deep Linking

Deep linking has deep consequences for life online. It uses search engine optimization (SEO) to greatly effects web page visibility by improving efficiency in the way traffic is directed to important pages between disparate web pages and between separate sites. This has the very real potential to improve sales and deliver a core message.

An author can benefit themselves by creating internal deep links. These link relevant pages within a single site that guide the reader smoothly through out associated content. This eventually brings the reader back to the place they started creating a circular trail of links. Each link serves the purpose of boosting rankings among search engines, although not as much as external deep links. The audience also has greater control of what they view, and how they navigate. This improves the overall visiting experience, improving traffic.

Perhaps the best example of internal deep linking is Wikipedia. Easy internal navigation is the backbone of this nonprofit encyclopedia. It makes navigating through a world of information seamless and easy.

External linking: This form accesses content of an outside web page, bypassing the given site’s home page or directory. In this way, deep linking can be both blessing or a curse. External links are more important than internal links, as they result in higher placement on lists of of sites returned as relevant. This is why it’s important to network with other sites and authors to mutually increase traffic.

External deep links access the content from outside web sites with out first going through the accessed site’s homepage. This benefits the external site author by increasing traffic to little accessed pages, improving the page rank amongst search engines. The possibility lies here for plagiarism if credit isn’t given where it’s due. Cases have been brought up in courts between companies in which one has deep linked to the service pages of another, thereby by passing remuneration system of one. This in essence can be considered theft of services, and can be devastating for companies that charge for their content.

Deep linking is a great way to build up rankings amongst search engines who rank and list results based on the number of links to a specific page. Deep link only to URLs that are relevant to the idea you’re advancing.

Deep linking is an important tool. Whether good or bad, it exists for a purpose to meet the demands for organized information. If done responsibly, it can be mutually beneficial to everyone involved. In the end, it’s about how information is accessed. Those who are well connected will succeed.

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