Importance of Link Building to SEO

Link Building is an important part of Search Engine Optimization, and is a practice of getting other websites to link to yours. Link Building with quality backlinks is amongst many important aspects considered by search engines, while determining the rankings of a site. Therefore, creating backlinks is one of the most important tasks you can undertake to promote your website with the search engines.

When it comes to using the Search Engine Optimization technique for a website, Links pointing to a particular website is one of the most dominant off-page factors. Link building is vital but at the same time, a very lengthy and extensive task to perform. The reason why many webmasters are on a lookout for some shortcut options or erroneous methods to increasing backlinks, as most of them do not have the time and the endurance to carry out a genuine link building campaign.

There are many ways in which Link Building can be performed. Some are genuine while some are incorrect methods. The quantity of the backlinks can also be increased by using dishonest techniques like cloaking, redirecting and adding hidden content in to the web pages. This is the reason why the search engines do not give much weightage to the quantity or the number of links pointing to a website, but, to the quality of the links, while measuring the Link Popularity of a site.

Search engines mainly give credits to quality links and it is with the help of these links that they determine whether or not, a website is relevant for a particular search. Quality backlinks also help Search Engine in determining the rankings for your site. Especially Google gives a lot of preference to good and relevant backlinks, while ranking a site.

The Quality of the backlinks depend on genuineness and richness of the content of a particular website which is linking to us, or which we are linking to. The most significant factor in determining the quality of the links is the Relevancy . When we say that a particular link is relevant to our site, we mean that that particular link belongs to a site which is content rich and genuine, and, belongs to the same theme of websites as ours. In simple words, we can say that it is related to our website, so the link coming from their site would be relevant to us. And it is this relevancy of links, which is given weightage to, by the search engines.

Relevant links carry more significance even than high PR irrelevant links. That is why high PR does not guarantee high Search engine rankings. There are chances of a low PR relevant link carrying more weightage than a high PR irrelevant link. There are numerous ways to obtain high PR, like using dishonest black hat techniques, but if you are looking for quality and relevant links, there is no way out except to work hard and build them up slowly.

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