How to Get First Page search Results

Search engines are highly motivated to provide the best search results to their users, so understanding how search engines work, is the key to website success. Your web page will be listed on the first page of the search results, if it is the most topic relevant page that the search engine indexed. A first page search result will assure you of many search engine referred visitors. The very first page title listed on every search results page, will receive several times as many visitors as the page listed in second place. A first place search result or even being listed on the first page, is "worth it's weight in gold". That's why a good seo is expensive. If you want great search results, you need to write good web pages and let a search engine find them. Every major search engine gives advise on how to write good web pages for the best results on search engines. Many designers ignore it completely. DO NOT submit your site to search engines. Always write good page titles and use meta tags properly for the best search results. To get first page search results, write the highest quality information on the subject and let the search engines put it on the first results page. Understanding how search engines rank web pages is critical to learning how to get a website for business.

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