The Importance of Keywords

Whether it’s an internal link or anchor text, it all comes down to the importance of keywords. Internal linking needs to contain keywords/phrases which clearly explain what’s on the page and who exactly you’re trying to market.

• Home Pages – If you are an e-commerce site that sells wine-related products, a button titled, “Products We Sell” isn’t going to rank well in the search engines. A better example: “Wine-R-Us Inc. Corkscrews” You are more likely to be found in the SERPS because your button is now a keyword-rich link. Remember to take into account keywords and how many links you use on your navigational menu.

Navigational Menus – Take into consideration how many links you plan to use for your navigational menus. Remember to use keyword-effective links. Remember to include navigational menus on home pages and sub pages.

• Sub Pages – You also need to link from within sub pages (not just the home page). Make sure that links contain the appropriate keywords. If you sell products/services, you need to add a list of “Related Products/Services” on each product/services page. This will help build your internal links.

Keyword Research – If you’re a novice to SEO and internal linking, utilize keyword research tools such as Google AdWords and WordTracker. Choose words with a high number of people searching for those words. You need to find a balance – find a combination of keywords that are in high demand without HUGE competition either. You want to attract high rankings in SERPs.

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