To improve your Web Site’s position in the different search engines you must understand the basic criteria that search engines use to index and retrieve documents.

The best thing of all it is FREE, you do not have to pay for a banner ads that you see on top the search engines and most people pay attention to the results of the search. Banner ads have been around for some time now and studies show that most people surfing the web just tune them out or ignore the banner ads and search the results pages. Banner ads have an average click through rate of 1 to 3%.

Good search engine positions are both FREE and effective and with just a few good positions in a few search engines will often generate more profits for you than spending thousand of dollars in banner ads. If you have your site near the top of a keyword search on a search engine, it will get more hits than banner ads.

Swap Links

Some of the major "spider" search engines (i.e., search engines like Yahoo, Google, Teoma and Lycos) catalog how many links there are going to your website. The more links there are, the more important your website is perceived to be and the higher the placement of your site will be in search engine results. Thus, submitting your URL and site information to thousands of search engines and directories is strategic because thousands of links back to your site will be created.

Meta Tags

Meta Tags are hidden HTML tags used to control your site description in the search engines that support them: Google, Yahoo, AltaVista, Excite, HotBot, Lycos, AOL Search, MSN Search and Netscape Search. Although the Meta Tags will help improve your position in the search engines, they will not guarantee that your web site appears first. A Meta tag basically tells the search engine spider when visiting your site how you want your site described and indexed.

This is the content that will determine the title of your site as read in a search engine. It is helpful to include your company name and a major keyword in this section. If your Web page lacks a Title Tag, some search engine results will display the phrase "No Title" in the first line of your listing. That can limit your search engine traffic.


The description tag should include a well-written description of your page that includes your keywords. This is the information the search engines will display and how your prospects will find your web site. You want it to grab the attention of the web surfer, so he clicks on your site and not your competitors. If your Web page lacks a Meta Description Tag, some search engines will display the first few words on the page as your listing description. That might not be your most compelling copy for driving visitors to your site.

The keyword tag tells the search engine which keywords you wish to be listed under. Make sure you concentrate on your most powerful keywords, that web surfers would put in to find your site.

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