How to get high ranking in search engines

For good ranking in the major search engines such as Google, you need to have content based on a theme categorized by two or three key phrases.

Assuming that you don't want to spend a lot of money paying for traffic, then getting a high search engine ranking will be the most critical part of your campaign to attract visitors. If you can a good search engine placement then your site, at least in terms of visitors, is likely to be successful.

At this point I would like to point out that it's not actually a top search engine ranking we are trying to obtain, but a means of getting lots of visitors. I say this because some people achieve a top position in one or more of the major search engines yet they get very little traffic. Why?

Simple. They are not using keywords that people are searching for! You simply must use the right keywords!

You could optimize your pages and start getting the position you want for those keywords, but does it get the traffic you expected? Of course, this depends on how many people use the keywords that the page is optimized for.

Think of good key phrases that people might use if they were looking for your site's subject matter. Try this in the top search engines, then see just how relevant the top pages are to this subject term or phrase and how much competition there is.

If the pages seem to be irrelevant the search engine may be struggling to find the most appropriate sites for those particular keywords. This could mean that you stand a good chance of getting a good placement for that key phrase.

Unfortunately however, your key phrase may not be a popular phrase being used by the vast majority of searchers - even though they may be looking for your kind of site. In other words they may be (in fact, they probably are) typing different search terms and phrases.

Hopefully all this will help significantly in your efforts to establish a good position in the top search engines. Here are three further essentials:

1. Get a domain name. You will not be considered a serious site without one, and the top search engines will probably ignore you altogether.

2. Remember, a key phrase will usually get you a much higher ranking than just a key word, and will also pull you much more targeted visitors.

3. Start building up your link popularity. Create a page that shows links to related sites and ask the Webmasters of those sites to link to you. This can be a very time consuming job but is becoming increasingly important in order to get a good placement on the top search engines (especially Google).

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