Press Six Online Marketing Strategy

It looks like more Internet users are embracing the convenience of online shopping creating a need for using search engines to find products or services.

Keeping this in mind, our strategy for small businesses will be to maximize their visibility in the local with their target audience to ensure they are reaching their potential client base and for large corporations the focus will be on a national scale.

As the bottom line of any business is profit and growth, we work closely with each client to match their online marketing strategy with their business strategy. Online Marketing Strategies depend on identifying

•How large is the niche market you are competing.
•How competitive are the major keywords in the market.
•How your website currently serves the market.
•How it compares to your competitors websites.

Anchor Text

Anchor text is the hyperlinked word or phrases that describe that page to search engines.
For example, you wouldn’t want to use “click now” as part of your anchor text. You are telling search engines that your subject is about “click now.”

Steer clear of using irrelevant words in your anchor text. This will mess up your SEO. If you use the anchor text “Internet marketing tools,” search engines recognize that the page is about “Internet marketing tools.” The words in the anchor text determine the ranking that target page will receive by search engines. “Click now” isn’t going to help your rankings at all – you want “Internet marketing tools” to be ranked NOT “click now.”

The Importance of Keywords

Whether it’s an internal link or anchor text, it all comes down to the importance of keywords. Internal linking needs to contain keywords/phrases which clearly explain what’s on the page and who exactly you’re trying to market.

• Home Pages – If you are an e-commerce site that sells wine-related products, a button titled, “Products We Sell” isn’t going to rank well in the search engines. A better example: “Wine-R-Us Inc. Corkscrews” You are more likely to be found in the SERPS because your button is now a keyword-rich link. Remember to take into account keywords and how many links you use on your navigational menu.

Navigational Menus – Take into consideration how many links you plan to use for your navigational menus. Remember to use keyword-effective links. Remember to include navigational menus on home pages and sub pages.

• Sub Pages – You also need to link from within sub pages (not just the home page). Make sure that links contain the appropriate keywords. If you sell products/services, you need to add a list of “Related Products/Services” on each product/services page. This will help build your internal links.

Keyword Research – If you’re a novice to SEO and internal linking, utilize keyword research tools such as Google AdWords and WordTracker. Choose words with a high number of people searching for those words. You need to find a balance – find a combination of keywords that are in high demand without HUGE competition either. You want to attract high rankings in SERPs.

Web Streaming

Web streaming is the process of delivering multimedia — usually audio or video — over the World Wide Web. Web streaming requires three things: a media source in a format that can be streamed; server software that can stream it; and a client, or player, that can play it on a user's computer or other device, such as a smart phone or an Internet radio receiver. The client is often a plug-in that runs in a web browser, but can also be a dedicated media player. Players include features like rewind, pause, and fast forward.

Streaming media does not need to be downloaded and stored on a local computer. In fact, most of the time it cannot be saved to a computer. As media is streamed, it is stored in a temporary storage space called a buffer so that it can be viewed or listened to before the entire file has loaded. Generally, a few seconds of media are buffered before the file begins to play. Interference or a slow Internet connection can cause playback to stall if new data can't be loaded into the buffer quickly enough.

Business Logo, Custom Logos and Text Based Logos

Presssix Media & Entertainment is a professional logo design company with a great deal of experience and capacity of response, which is loyal to provide high-quality graphic design and web development services.

Different Types Of Logo Design:

Text Based Logo
Customs Logo
Word Mark Logo
Letter Form
Business Logo
Symbol Logo

Your business logo ought to work for you. It should build you stand out against the competition and portray your company as strong, unique and capable. Get a moment and think about all the major and successful companies in the world. The most essential various factors identified by renowned web experts are an attractive eye-catching company logo, a great marketing firm or agency that does best in all website maintenance and, of course, great flawless publicity campaign.

Logo Identity

In receiving the message about one’s own company out to the various sectors of the global web, the most efficient way to get your website stuck in the heads of potential buyers of your products is to have a most attractive attention-grabbing company logo. Whatever business you are in, it is almost impossible to see any good company succeeding without having a great logo being made for its advertising plan. In fact, it’s even safe to assume that the name of a company and the reputation it will gain across time entirely depends on how its logo is made and how its name builds the identity of the logo.

If you are considering a logo design with your website built into the logo, think long and hard before you make this choice. While your logo may lead some to your website, you have to be sure that your website is up to par and is consistent with your logo.

Press Six Corporate Identity Services

Corporate identity is the method to build up a particular look which is then applied to a logo, website, corporate folders, billboards, etc. within a set of style guides. These guidelines describe how the identity is implemented and conforms to colors, typefaces, layouts and other methods of maintaining visual continuity and identification of the brand.

Many companies have their own identity run through all of their products, merchandise and services. The logo appears consistently throughout the packaging and advertisements. Companies hire the best firms and strive for an identity that is extremely distinguishable, so it can appeal more to its targeted audience.

Press Six branding team provides best-of-class solutions. We merge our client's suggestions and our expertise into presentations that will bring you results. Our professional quality is outstanding. Our process is a multi-step approach, in which you, our client, reviews and approves new variations in each round. We will adjust and improve until you are 100% satisfied. We can work based on your specifications and/or suggest designs we think are adequate for what your company does to help you stand out from your competitors.

Corporate Identity

Corporate identity is the group of pieces, aspects, ideas, methods and techniques that your brand needs to be identifiable. Your company’s corporate identity can be formed by many of the pieces that form a communicational style: logo, letterhead, business cards, folder, inserts, envelope, etc.

A corporate identity program is a system of signs that involves a combination code and criteria that, together, are the structure of the identity. This means that it is necessary to form a precise regulation for the program to be inserted in the different supports of communication. A strong identity strengthens your brand, becoming recognizable to the target audience. It’s advisable to begin with the creation of a logo or company brand since the development of the identity will depend on them. The logo will be present in all the pieces that form the corporate identity system.

The logo eventually includes the institutional colors of the brand, and the complete corporate design is based on them. The corporate identity is a strategic way to make the image that the rest perceive fit in with the image the company wants to convey. In conclusion, it is the visualization of your corporate strategy. Every company continuously conveys messages to its surroundings even if they do not communicate anything at all. The visual image is one of the most important means that businesses constantly use to convey and manifest their identity.

The corporate identity is a system of communication that is incorporated to the company’s global strategy and it is present in all its manifestations, productions, properties and activities.

The corporate communication goal is to increase the awareness of your company’s image and to establish empathy between the company and the target audience. The corporate communication must be dynamic, correct and planned, and it must show the target audience the company’s global plans. Corporate communication means to transmit the company or organization’s identity, making it understandable and convenient and giving it a determined image. The corporate identity is the company’s being; it is its essence.

The corporate identity is the integration, in the mind of target audience, of all the messages conveyed by a company or organization.

Some aspects that must be taken into consideration when creating a corporate identity are: visual communication, the product design and launch, and the corporate architectural system. The strategic vision must be planned and studied, and sensorial stimuli that evoke this visual identity must be transmitted.

The corporate identity must symbolize the company’s ethic and attitudes, so that those who work for the company share the same spirit and communicate the identity to those related with it. The corporate identity must also remark the difference between the company and its product and services with the ones offered by the competition. Today the corporate identity is a first-rate strategic tool.

An image is a unit of meanings through which we get to know the object and through which people describe and evoke the object. It is the interaction of beliefs, ideas, feelings and impressions that the object causes on people. Institutions, whatever their objective is, are created to satisfy the community’s (local, regional, national or global) needs. This is why institutions exist only for these communities and, whatever the social, politic or economic existing situation is, the institution must detect the scenarios on which the community is moving in order to form motivational bases. This way the institution can keep a brand positioning or a productive niche.

Images are formed as the result of a series of stimuli that the recipient receives directly or indirectly from a company. Its interpretation or evolution may be influenced by psycho-social factors.

Search Marketing

Search engine marketing, (SEM), is a form of Internet marketing that seeks to promote websites by increasing their visibility in search engine result pages (SERPs) through the use of, paid placement, contextual advertising, and paid inclusion. Search engine optimization (SEO) "optimizes" website pages to achieve a higher ranking in search results by selecting specific keywords associated with the website. SEM uses various means of marketing a website to increase its relevance in search engine results.

SEM Plan

Through trial and error you will be able to see how SEM drives highly targeted visitors to your online exhibitions. The following are the steps to a successful SEM plan:

Research your target audience.

Set your online goals and key performance indicators.

Build an initial list of important keywords that represent your current and most relevant content and potential content.

Validate your keywords by testing and refining them with your keyword selector tools such as Yahoo Keyword Selector, Google Keyword Selector, Google Trends and Keyword Discovery.

Check your current ranking.

Optimise the website by improving your web design, architecture and web page content.
Pursue link-building and partnerships.

Colonize the Web by publishing and circulating it in wiki, blogs, and video and picture sites(e.g. Flickr and Youtube).

Get in the news such as Google News with RSS feeds.

Install good tracking software, and track and analyze your performance for better results.

What Is SEM / Search Engine Marketing?

SEM stands for “search engine marketing.” It is the process of gaining traffic from or visibility on search engines. The phrase is also sometimes shortened to “search marketing.”

SEM is an umbrella term that covers two broad areas:

Gaining traffic through free SEO efforts

Gaining traffic through paid search advertising

Some people consider SEM to mean gaining traffic solely through paid ads. Our article, Does SEM = SEO + CPC Still Add Up?, explains this split in more depth. Here at Search Engine Land, we stick with the broader definition.

For those who want to learn more about either SEO or paid search, see our guides below:

What Is PPC, CPC & Paid Search Marketing

For more about the broader medium of search marketing, read on!

Search Marketing Advice At Search Engine Land

Here at Search Engine Land, we provide search marketing advice and information in a variety of ways:

How To: SEM is our section devoted to practical tips and tactics about search marketing in general.

Search Engine Land Columns are where we publish a number of regular columns on various aspects of search marketing, including:

Brand Aid
Conversion Science
In House
In The Trenches
Just Behave
Small Is Beautiful
Strictly Business

E-Branding of business

Branding is also widely being done via internet to promote the business's product or services. Business owners use multiple facilities already available on the web to sensitize and promote their business. For example:


  Promotion of the product or service can be done by posting positive comments in blogs as well as reacting to customers queries on topics dealing with the product or service. Blogs can hence be used for brand awareness or strengthen the brand.

Social media: 
 Besides performing checks on possible damaging infractions, the business owner can make use of the same social media to attract new customers. In fact, this is a great place to spread out word on the product, thereby building the brand.

Another important aspects to take into consideration in e-branding is the use of search engines to help customers easily locate the website. By applying proper search engine marketing, the website can drive huge amount of traffic to the business. As such internet can be seen as a means to strength or create a brand.

Latest Trends in E-Branding

E-branding is one of the processes that let a company to promote their products and services over a broad and open platform, accessible to half the world. More than 4 billion people access the web all over the world. This very big market has infinite possibilities for any company, But on the question ‘what is e-marketing’; there are a vast number of avenues encompassed within the question itself.

What is brand identity anyway?

Before dealing with its financial benefits, we offer this brief definition of brand identity. An organization’s brand identity represents how the company need to be supposed in the market, what the company stands for, and most importantly, implies a promise to the company’s customers.

For at least the past decade, the topic of “branding” has dominated marketing discussions to the point that the concept has numerous definitions and explanations. This production has not necessarily increased the credibility of branding as a marketing function, but instead seems to have created confusion regarding the actual value that branding provides–if the value can even be measured. The majority of business people would likely agree that branding is important, and developing a “brand identity” for their organization should be part of their long-range planning.

E-marketing was one of the births of the internet age. In today’s economy, any small or medium company can access international markets from a localized contact office, outsourcing to third party agents, or via good communication networks. So what is e-marketing? It is the next generation solution for branding and publicity over an online medium.

Because of this, the challenge has been to measure branding’s financial benefits to an organization from both short- and long-term perspectives. How does branding contribute to the financial health of an organization? And, if it does not contribute, does branding hold any value at all or is it just a good topic for the latest marketing guru book? The Internet opened up vast resources of communication over international borders at an affordable price. Today, overseas communication has become so cheap and fast, that logistics and tertiary costs have been brought down to promote international trade. Have a professional e-marketing company service your brand’s requirements for a better impact

SEO Advantages of Deep Linking

Deep linking has deep consequences for life online. It uses search engine optimization (SEO) to greatly effects web page visibility by improving efficiency in the way traffic is directed to important pages between disparate web pages and between separate sites. This has the very real potential to improve sales and deliver a core message.

An author can benefit themselves by creating internal deep links. These link relevant pages within a single site that guide the reader smoothly through out associated content. This eventually brings the reader back to the place they started creating a circular trail of links. Each link serves the purpose of boosting rankings among search engines, although not as much as external deep links. The audience also has greater control of what they view, and how they navigate. This improves the overall visiting experience, improving traffic.

Perhaps the best example of internal deep linking is Wikipedia. Easy internal navigation is the backbone of this nonprofit encyclopedia. It makes navigating through a world of information seamless and easy.

External linking: This form accesses content of an outside web page, bypassing the given site’s home page or directory. In this way, deep linking can be both blessing or a curse. External links are more important than internal links, as they result in higher placement on lists of of sites returned as relevant. This is why it’s important to network with other sites and authors to mutually increase traffic.

External deep links access the content from outside web sites with out first going through the accessed site’s homepage. This benefits the external site author by increasing traffic to little accessed pages, improving the page rank amongst search engines. The possibility lies here for plagiarism if credit isn’t given where it’s due. Cases have been brought up in courts between companies in which one has deep linked to the service pages of another, thereby by passing remuneration system of one. This in essence can be considered theft of services, and can be devastating for companies that charge for their content.

Deep linking is a great way to build up rankings amongst search engines who rank and list results based on the number of links to a specific page. Deep link only to URLs that are relevant to the idea you’re advancing.

Deep linking is an important tool. Whether good or bad, it exists for a purpose to meet the demands for organized information. If done responsibly, it can be mutually beneficial to everyone involved. In the end, it’s about how information is accessed. Those who are well connected will succeed.