Advantages of Link Building

Link building contains many techniques and advantages. While reading further you will discover the advantages of link building, and why link building is a great way to drive traffic into your site or network. There are different methods of link building. Common ones include: reciprocal links, direct linking, signature links, and social networking. All will be discussed along with the advantages of link building in this article.

Link building leads to traffic generation. A link to your personal web site on any other site on the internet acts as an advertisement for visitors to come and peek into your site, and this is what a lot of users actually do. Therefore, any website that has enormous number of links from related websites pointing to it automatically gets an increased flow of relevant traffic. Since most popular websites will be ready to place your back link for free if you put in a blog, comment or article, link building is almost comparable to free advertising.

A crucial factor that decides the faith of where your web page will be in a “run search” result is Google page rank. A page rank is something that is mostly based on a site’s link popularity. To accomplish a high page rank (PR), it is important that the existing links to that particular site is high in numbers. When a high page rank is reached, the Search Engine Ranking Position (SERP) will also be at a good status.

Link popularity plays a big role when it comes to reputation and trust. If you are providing promising and genuine information to the web surfers, you become a trustable source. This could be done in many ways. For example, when blogging or posting an article on the internet, the readers are looking forward to a reliable information. If done correctly, people will start trusting your professional advice. Furthermore, they will start doing business with you because of the reputation that you have created through link building.

The financial advantages of link building are about as much as the hair follicles on your head. Apart from a bunch of free advertising, link building is financially profitable in numerous ways. For example, since popularity will only get relevant traffic to your site, in many cases, this would probably lead to conversions – which could be the products that you’re selling, downloading your digital content, reading or clicking on the advertisements that you have on your site. Another advantage is that if your site contains high link popularity, you will receive higher rates just in case you want to sell your website to a new owner.

Link building is a lifestyle. Although there are many advantages to gain traffic to your site, your ultimate goal should be to pursue link building with quality and care. There are many techniques to in applying an effective link building campaign. The number one tip is to write the most engaging, unique, authoritative, compelling, and best content you can. Remember, we are focusing on quality not quantity. Twenty high quality links are better than 2,000 low-quality links. A common mistake people tend to make is using any particular type of link too much. For example, if 90% of your links are from directories, then you need to mix it up a bit. Most importantly, don’t build too fast. Building too fast will warn you out. Try spending time on getting high quality links.

Some of the most frequently used methods for building links are directories, backlinks, blogs, article submission, press releases, forums, social networking, media sites, reciprocal links, supporting organizations, local sources, linkbait, creative linking, and paid text link advertisements. Those methods are described in more detail below.

- Directories: Web directories are collections of web pages with similar subjects and similar content.

- Backlinks: Backlinks are links from other websites to your site. They’re sometimes known as incoming links, inbound links, or even IBLs.

- Blogs: A journal or diary that is posted on the Internet.

- Article: A story, report, and essay.

- Press Releases: Written statement that is sent to the media so that it can be publicized.

- Forums: Is a bulletin board system in the form of a discussion site.

- Social Networking: * A broad class of web sites and services that allow you to connect with friends, family, and colleagues online, as well as meet people with similar interests.

- Media Sites: * For our discussion, this is very similar to Social Networking. For example Youtube, Liveleak, Metacafe, and Google Videos.

- Reciprocal links: Links between two Websites based on an agreement between the two owners.

- Supporting Organizations: Supporting local meetings, activities, and certain interests amongst the people.
- Local Sources: Communicating with your community and volunteer help for local organizations.

- Linkbaits: Any content or feature within a website that somehow baits viewers to place links to it from other websites.

- Creative linking: Building links through different logical ideas.

- Paid Text Link: Paying money to enhance traffic to your web site.

In conclusion link building is a great way to drive traffic to your web site or network. There are many methods to pursue; common ones are reciprocal links, direct linking, signature links, and social networking. If combined with great techniques and hard valuable work, you’re a big step ahead from your competitor.

Benefits Of Social Bookmarking

Virtually every way to make money online, be it an e-business, a blog, internet marketing campaign, or so on, requires traffic in order to succeed. Traffic relies heavily on several key factors, perhaps the most important of which is the number of users coming in from search engines. Therefore, increasing your search engine rank (how early your site appears in the results pages for a given key phrase) plays a large role in dictating how much traffic your site gets. Social bookmarking is a tool commonly used to improve the amount of traffic to websites. Here, we’ll go over how to increase your search engine rank using social bookmarking, as well as other ways in which social bookmarking can benefit your web site.

Social bookmarking refers to a method of sharing links, news, and other information on a given site. Commonly used social bookmarking sites include digg, reddit, StumpleUpon, and These sites allow users to share everything from entire websites to individual articles, videos, music, and much more. By marketing your website on social bookmarking sites, you enable it to become something that people share with each other, branching out and expanding over time.

This internet marketing technique is known as viral marketing, because of the self perpetuating nature of that which is being marketed. It is a highly efficient form of advertising, and is also tremendously cost effective. This cost effectiveness comes from the fact that the marketing campaign allows users to promote the product or website on their own, and other than the costs for the original creation of the content being marketed, the growing campaign is free. By taking advantage of the way social bookmarking sites work, you can create a small piece of seed content (a video, for example) and then allow the popularity of that content to explode as more people find and share it.

Viral marketing through social bookmarking sites essentially takes the same tactics as a word-of-mouth advertising campaign and puts it in a setting to which hundreds of millions of people have access. If you are looking for a new way to promote products or content on a website, there are few methods more effective than viral marketing. Social bookmarking sites play a key role in developing a high level of exposure and hype for any upcoming or existing product, all for a very small amount of cost to the marketer.

Importance of Social Bookmarking

Although the concept of shared online bookmarks dates back to 1996, the term social bookmarking is a relatively new and was first used in 2003 by Delicious web service. The term 'tagging' is also associated with social bookmarking. Using social bookmarking, users can search, save, manage, and organize web pages/websites for sharing or for remembering. With the rising number and growing popularity of online book marking services, social book marking is also called social book marketing. Over time, book marking services have proven to be excellent tools for online marketing. When combined with Search Engine Optimization, social book marking can be the key to success of online marketing campaigns.

Higher rankings by search engines facilitate brand awareness. The primary objective behind search engine optimization is thus, to ensure better rankings, and thus, social book marking has emerged as an effective tool for providing back links and getting higher traffic, which in turn help in securing better Search Engine Rankings. Bookmarks represent links through tagging. Unlike a hierarchical structure, tagging is done through a bottom-up method, which create many broad categories to fit in the links. As a result, the users can assert the metadata adding relevance to the links. This equates the marketing appeal as a 'word of mouth' campaign, in which friends and families validate the quality of the product/service.

Just like keywords tags and the links they are attached to are indexed simultaneously by search engines. As a result, content supplied by you adds the links with the appended keywords. Thus, along with getting links from websites with heavy traffic frequency, you also get links from websites that are relevant. Once you start getting links from big book marking websites, your website will automatically get indexed by the web spiders of all major search engines.

Apart from providing SEO benefits, social book marking can be a very good marketing tool in itself. Viral marketing campaigns can be very successful using these kinds of web services since the ranking of the bookmarked links depends on the ratings by the users. SEO firms tend to count on the well known users in order to get their assertions for the web pages/services included in book marking sites. Sometimes, this might pose some risk if the service/product receives negative reviews from the authoritative users. Moreover, there is a risk of getting branded as a spammer if the users find the submitted links to be irrelevant. All this makes optimization a tricky business!

In spite of some risks, the importance and benefits of online marketing through social book marking has proven to be phenomenal over the years.

Internal Links

The general feeling is that you get less credit for links from within your own site rather than links that come from external sites, but this doesn't mean you should neglect internal links. After all, internal links are the easiest to get. The first thing is to make sure you link to as many of your pages as possible from your home page. If you can't fit more links in your navigation menu, put some extra links on the bottom of the page. The idea is that you want as few "hops" as possible to get to all your pages. If a user (or Googlebot) has to go from your Home Page Category Page Article Page, that's two hops, or "two-deep". PR is being passed down the chain, and gets weaker as it wends its way down. The Home Page gives a little PR to the Category Page, and then the Category Page gives a little of what IT has to the Article Page. If you have fewer hops then the pages get more PR passed to them.

Some people confuse hops with directories. They think that is bad because it's too far from the home page. But it doesn't matter how far down the file tree a file is, what matters is how many clicks it takes to get to it. If the home page links directly to the page mentioned above then it's just one hop, which is as good as you can get.

Each and every page in your site should link back to the home page, as well as to a handful of the most important pages on the site, and also to pages related to the page in question.

If you have navigation links in Java script or Flash, make sure you also have links in plain HTML so the engines can see those links.

Anchor Text

The anchor text is the words that appear in a link. For this reason it's also called the link text. The engines pay special attention to the anchor text, because it seems reasonable that if they finds a link to, say, how to buy a house, then the page being linked to is probably about how to buy a house.

Once I tested the power of anchor text by linking to a page with the anchor text "pancreas of fury". Soon the page I linked to was #1 in Google for a search on "pancreas of fury", even though the words "pancreas" and "fury" didn't appear anywhere on the page at all! It even outranked the page that contained the anchor text itself. (Don't bother searching for this page; I took it down long ago.)

The most famous exploit of anchor text was when bloggers teamed up to all link to George W. Bush's page using the anchor text "miserable failure". That's why when you search Google for "miserable failure" Bush's page comes up first. (Republicans retaliated by linking to Jimmy Carter's and Michael Moore's pages with that phrase to get those sites to show up as well.)

One way of trying to use anchor text to your advantage is with your navigation links. For example, instead of the link text "Home", you might use something like "Baby Bracelets Home", if your site sells baby bracelets. When other webmasters link to you, you can also see if you can get them to include your keywords as the anchor text.

Be warned that some consider anchor text to be an ingredient of the theoretical over optimization penalty mentioned above. The idea is that having a lot of backlinks with the same anchor text that's in the Title tag and all over the page triggers the penalty. While I don't know for sure whether this is the case, my feeling is that there is probably such a penalty but it's not a simple black and white issue, and it would be difficult to determine under exactly what circumstances it's triggered.

How to Get First Page search Results

Search engines are highly motivated to provide the best search results to their users, so understanding how search engines work, is the key to website success. Your web page will be listed on the first page of the search results, if it is the most topic relevant page that the search engine indexed. A first page search result will assure you of many search engine referred visitors. The very first page title listed on every search results page, will receive several times as many visitors as the page listed in second place. A first place search result or even being listed on the first page, is "worth it's weight in gold". That's why a good seo is expensive. If you want great search results, you need to write good web pages and let a search engine find them. Every major search engine gives advise on how to write good web pages for the best results on search engines. Many designers ignore it completely. DO NOT submit your site to search engines. Always write good page titles and use meta tags properly for the best search results. To get first page search results, write the highest quality information on the subject and let the search engines put it on the first results page. Understanding how search engines rank web pages is critical to learning how to get a website for business.

How to get Back links now ?

Getting Back links is an easy task but getting links from Good Sites is a little tricky and difficult task. You can easily get Back links by spending money, but I think we are not interested in that.

Best way of Getting Link Backs for free is by Posting. That is by Posting comments on other blogs, replying to threads in Forums and Posting Articles on Guest Blogging Sites or article directories like Ezine.

Another way is by Link Exchange. Link exchange is a simple thing that You do my muffin so I do yours, uh.. it means you place my link on your Blog/Site so I place your link on my Blog/Site.

For Posting Comments you could use my Blog too, I approve all comments except for spam, most Blogs do have comments option but not every site gives link back as for example Smashing Magazine.

For link exchange you can use forums like Digital Point Forums for finding Link Exchangers.

Creating Backlinks:

Backlinks, also referred to as inbound links, are the essence of search engine ranking. If you do not have enough budget to pay for online advertising, having a multitude of backlinks will help increase your website’s chances of getting listed on page one of Google searches and on other search engines as well.

Backlinks are links you put in another website that lead back to your own website. Linking to secure and superior websites, which have excellent search engine positions, pulls up your site’s page ranking.

Regularly updating your site, consistently publishing new content, being active in forums, frequently commenting on blogs and submitting your website feeds to various online directories are some of the ways in improving your search engine position.

Having an account with social bookmarking websites is also a good way of building backlinks. These websites are quite famous and normally have thousands, or even over a million, members. What happens is end users join and make their own profiles on the sites where they can upload pictures, write information about themselves, and include their favorite websites as bookmarks. You then put tags, which are one- or two-word descriptions of the sites you have bookmarked, that will be saved to a list for everyone to see. (Unless you choose to make it private.)

In addition, with the arrival of Web 2.0, winning backlinks have now become a piece of cake. A lot of websites nowadays are more user-friendly. Visitors can sign up, create profiles, and post comments on the articles posted on that particular website. In most circumstances, the site owner gives h

is or her reaction to these comments or answers some questions asked. In doing so, a sort of chat page is created, leading to frequent visits from people who have posted their comments.

Brand Identity

A strong brand identity can position a company above its competition all by itself. But having a brand that's strong takes time, money and effort to develop. It's not as simple as just redesigning a logo or rewriting a tagline. Brand identity is the reason you offer for your customer to choose you instead of your competition.

How to rework your brand identity

Successful re-branding involves "evolution," not "revolution." You must impress upon your existing customers that your new brand is just a new and improved version of the same you. It's important to not get too crazy with a re-branding effort because you could end up destroying fragile emotional ties and customer loyalty.

Brand identity is much more than marketing

Having a brand identity that resonates with your market is important, but not at the expense of the people within your company. They need to not only get it, but also be your brand's most fervent ambassadors. Do your employees believe in your company? Do they feel like they have a vested stake in its success? Companies with solid brand identities can say yes to these questions. Can yours? If not, here's some things you can do:

1.Get every aspect of your company on the same page: Easier said than done, right? Well, that doesn't mean it's not necessary. Get all your departments talking to each other and understanding each other.
2.Promote everyone to the position of brand ambassador: Give everyone a common understanding of the company, its mission and their part in it. They should feel like they have ownership-even if they don't.
3.Reinforce brand values and behaviors: To do this, use the tools you have, such as internal communications...and like a good basketball coach, consistently promote these fundamentals until they're second nature.

Your employees will ultimately determine your success or failure. That's why it's so important to have them buy into your company's brand identity. However, that's not something that can be forced. You, as leadership, must earn it. But once you do, you'll have a company that is full of happy, motivated successful brand ambassadors.

How to get A Good Page Rank

PageRank is a numeric value that represents how important a page is on the web. Google figures that when one page links to another page, it is effectively casting a vote for the other page. The more votes that are cast for a page, the more important the page must be. Also, the importance of the page that is casting the vote determines how important the vote itself is. Google calculates a page's importance from the votes cast for it. How important each vote is is taken into account when a page's PageRank is calculated.

PageRank is Google's way of deciding a page's importance. It matters because it is one of the factors that determines a page's ranking in the search results. It isn't the only factor that Google uses to rank pages, but it is an important one.

From here on in, we'll occasionally refer to PageRank as "PR".

Not all links are counted by Google. For instance, they filter out links from known link farms. Some links can cause a site to be penalized by Google. They rightly figure that webmasters cannot control which sites link to their sites, but they can control which sites they link out to. For this reason, links into a site cannot harm the site, but links from a site can be harmful if they link to penalized sites. So be careful which sites you link to. If a site has PR0, it is usually a penalty, and it would be unwise to link to it.

1. Bookmark your website in digg, delicious, mixx etc.
2. Submit your website in web directory.
3. Give good comments in comment love blogs.
4. Join forum like digital point they allow signture with post.

Keep your content fresh and updated – Search engines such as Google always favor websites that update their content regularly. This is one of the best ways to maintain your hierarchy on Google’s SERP’s. Constantly update your website by adding good quality relevant content to your pages. Google will have no other option but retain your page rank.

Generate more organic traffic – Another effective way to ensure that you retain your page rankings on Google is by expanding the number of link backs to your website. This is a very good SEO strategy that will ensure that your site receives an influx of organic traffic. This can be done by uploading your articles in numerous article directories, directing traffic to your web site via your blog as well as creating a social network profile for your company. Doing so would guarantee a good stream of traffic that will convince Google that you are a legitimate top of the line site that is popular online and you would retain your page ranking.

Optimize your sites click through rates – You should optimize your click through rates by including the most targeted keywords in your title tags. Replace your title tags with something short and catchy. The title tags are the links in bold for a website that are displayed on SERP’s. Using a catchy title tag would lure potential visitors to click on the link. As more people click on your link, your site popularity would gain more traffic and this would in turn help you maintain your page rank.

Optimize your keywords – SEO is a constant process that is subject to lots of frequent alterations and changes. As an online marketer you should constantly keep track of the latest SEO trends and formulate new keywords for your site. This way you would ensure that your page continues to rank high because your content has the most targeted keywords.

Outdoor Advertising

Outdoor advertising is essentially any type of advertising that reaches the consumer while he or she is outside the home. This is in contrast with broadcast, print, and Internet advertising.

The whole concept of outdoor advertising encompasses some very interesting formats and is now one of the most popular forms available for consumer and B2B targeted campaigns.This is great news for a variety of outdoor advertising companies who are developing a number of attractive designs and concepts for advertisers to consider.

more info about outdoor advertising just visit us at:

Web Design

Web design is a broad term used to encompass the way that content (usually hypertext or hypermedia) is delivered to an end-user through the World Wide Web, using a web browser (e.g. Opera, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari) or other web-enabled software to display the content. The intent of web design is to create a website a collection of online content including documents and applications that reside on a web server/servers. A website may include text, images, sounds and other content, and may be interactive.

Web design is different than traditional print publishing. Every website is an information display container, just as a book is a container; and every web page is like the page in a book. However the end size and shape of the web page is not known to the web designer, whereas the print designer will know exactly what size paper he will be printing on.

For the typical web sites, the basic aspects of design are:

The content: the substance, and information on the site should be relevant to the site and should target the area of the public that the website is concerned with.

The usability: the site should be user-friendly, with the interface and navigation simple and reliable.

The appearance: the graphics and text should include a single style that flows throughout, to show consistency. The style should be professional, appealing and relevant.

The structure: of the web site as a whole.

A web site typically consists of text, images, animation and /or video. The first page of a web site is known as the Home page or Index Page. Some web sites use what is commonly called a Splash Page. Splash pages might include a welcome message, language or region selection, or disclaimer, however search engines, in general, favor web sites that don't do this which has caused these types of pages to fall out of favor. Each web page within a web site is a file which has its own URL. After each web page is created, they are typically linked together using a navigation menu composed of hyperlinks.

Once a web site is completed, it must be published or uploaded in order to be viewable to the public over the internet. This may be done using an FTP client.

Mobile Applications

Also called mobile apps, it is a term used to describe Internet applications that run on smartphones and other mobile devices. Mobile applications usually help users by connecting them to Internet services more commonly accessed on desktop or notebook computers, or help them by making it easier to use the Internet on their portable devices. A mobile app may be a mobile Web site bookmarking utility, a mobile-based instant messaging client, Gmail for mobile, and many other applications.

Mobile marketing

Mobile marketing can refer to one of two categories of internet. First, and relatively new, is meant to describe marketing on or with a mobile device, such as a cell phone. (this is an example of horizontal telecommunication convergence). Second, and a more traditional definition, is meant to describe marketing in a moving fashion - for example - technology road shows or moving billboards.

Although there are various definitions for the concept of mobile marketing, no commonly accepted definition exists. Mobile marketing is broadly defined as “the use of the mobile medium as a means of marketing communication”or “distribution of any kind of promotional or advertising messages to customer through wireless networks”. More specific definition is the following: “using interactive wireless media to provide customers with time and location sensitive, personalized information that promotes goods, services and ideas, thereby generating value for all stakeholders"

Search Optimization

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)is an active practice of optimizing a web site by improving the internal and external aspects in order to increase the visibility of your site to Search Engines for those important keyword phrases that could drive in quality visitors relevant to your business.

On the other hand, building a user friendly website design and layout will help visitors to enjoy spending time on the site that increases referral traffic and repeated visitors.

Before concluding on expected results, please do analyze the points mentioned below:

* How large is the niche market you are competing
* How competitive are the major keywords in the market
* How your website currently serves the market.
* How it compares to your competitors’ websites.

Press Six Online Marketing and Search Engine Optimization Company

Presssix is an online marketing and search engine optimization company specializing in driving site specific traffic to websites. Presssix takes a comprehensive approach that achieves short term and long term search traffic that converts to sales.

The goal is to reach search and web traffic specific to customers who are interested in your products. Through Search Engine Optimization (SEO) of your site, your website will generate web traffic that converts into sales.

Presssix creates a personalized plan for each website. Every company has its own goals, budgets, and resources. Presssix works with you to maximize your results based on your situation. No website is too small or too large for effective search engine optimization and increasing sales.

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How to get Back links

Getting Back links is an easy task but getting links from Good Sites is a little tricky and difficult task.

Best way of Getting Link Backs for free is by Posting. That is by Posting comments on other blogs, replying to threads in Forums and Posting Articles on Guest Blogging Sites or article directories like Ezine.

Another way is by Link Exchange. Link exchange is a simple thing that You do my muffin so I do yours, uh.. it means you place my link on your Blog/Site so I place your link on my Blog/Site.

For Posting Comments you could use Blog too,For link exchange you can use forums like Digital Point Forums for finding Link Exchangers.

So go ahead flood comments, and get Link Backs

Importance of Link Building to SEO

Link Building is an important part of Search Engine Optimization, and is a practice of getting other websites to link to yours. Link Building with quality backlinks is amongst many important aspects considered by search engines, while determining the rankings of a site. Therefore, creating backlinks is one of the most important tasks you can undertake to promote your website with the search engines.

When it comes to using the Search Engine Optimization technique for a website, Links pointing to a particular website is one of the most dominant off-page factors. Link building is vital but at the same time, a very lengthy and extensive task to perform. The reason why many webmasters are on a lookout for some shortcut options or erroneous methods to increasing backlinks, as most of them do not have the time and the endurance to carry out a genuine link building campaign.

There are many ways in which Link Building can be performed. Some are genuine while some are incorrect methods. The quantity of the backlinks can also be increased by using dishonest techniques like cloaking, redirecting and adding hidden content in to the web pages. This is the reason why the search engines do not give much weightage to the quantity or the number of links pointing to a website, but, to the quality of the links, while measuring the Link Popularity of a site.

Search engines mainly give credits to quality links and it is with the help of these links that they determine whether or not, a website is relevant for a particular search. Quality backlinks also help Search Engine in determining the rankings for your site. Especially Google gives a lot of preference to good and relevant backlinks, while ranking a site.

The Quality of the backlinks depend on genuineness and richness of the content of a particular website which is linking to us, or which we are linking to. The most significant factor in determining the quality of the links is the Relevancy . When we say that a particular link is relevant to our site, we mean that that particular link belongs to a site which is content rich and genuine, and, belongs to the same theme of websites as ours. In simple words, we can say that it is related to our website, so the link coming from their site would be relevant to us. And it is this relevancy of links, which is given weightage to, by the search engines.

Relevant links carry more significance even than high PR irrelevant links. That is why high PR does not guarantee high Search engine rankings. There are chances of a low PR relevant link carrying more weightage than a high PR irrelevant link. There are numerous ways to obtain high PR, like using dishonest black hat techniques, but if you are looking for quality and relevant links, there is no way out except to work hard and build them up slowly.

Internet Marketing

Internet marketing, also known as digital marketing, web marketing, online marketing, search marketing or e-marketing, is the marketing (generally promotion) of products or services over the Internet.

Internet marketing is considered to be broad in scope because it not only refers to marketing on the Internet, but also includes marketing done via e-mail and wireless media. Digital customer data and electronic customer relationship management (ECRM) systems are also often grouped together under internet marketing.

Internet marketing ties together the creative and technical aspects of the Internet, including design, development, advertising, and sales. Internet marketing also refers to the placement of media along many different stages of the customer engagement cycle through search engine marketing (SEM), search engine optimization (SEO), banner ads on specific websites, email marketing, and Web 2.0 strategies

Virtual Communication Services

A virtual community is a social network of individuals who interact through specific media, potentially crossing geographical and political boundaries in order to pursue mutual interests or goals. One of the most pervasive types of virtual community include social networking services, which consist of various online communities.

The term virtual community is attributed to the book of the same title by Howard Rheingold, published in 1993. The book, which could be considered a social enquiry, putting the research in the social sciences, discussed his adventures on The WELL and onward into a range of computer-mediated communication and social groups, broadening it to information science. The technologies included Usenet, MUDs (Multi-User Dungeon) and their derivatives MUSHes and MOOs, Internet Relay Chat (IRC), chat rooms and electronic mailing lists; the World Wide Web as we know it today was not yet used by many people. Rheingold pointed out the potential benefits for personal psychological well-being, as well as for society at large, of belonging to such a group.

These virtual communities all encourage interaction, sometimes focusing around a particular interest, or sometimes just to communicate. Quality virtual communities do both. They allow users to interact over a shared passion, whether it be through message boards, chat rooms, social networking sites, or virtual worlds.

 Purpose of virtual communities

Virtual communities are used for a variety of social and professional groups. It does not necessarily mean that there is a strong bond among the members, although Howard Rheingold, author of the book of the same name, mentions that virtual communities form "when people carry on public discussions long enough, with sufficient human feeling, to form webs of personal relationships". An email distribution list may have hundreds of members and the communication which takes place may be merely informational (questions and answers are posted), but members may remain relative strangers and the membership turnover rate could be high. This is in line with the liberal use of the term community.

Internet-based virtual communities

 The explosive diffusion of the Internet since the mid-1990s has also fostered the proliferation of virtual communities taking the form of social networking services and online communities. The nature of those communities is diverse, and the benefits that Rheingold envisioned are not necessarily realized, or pursued, by many. At the same time, it is rather commonplace to see anecdotes of someone in need of special help or in search of a community benefiting from the use of the Internet.

Virtual communities may synthesize Web 2.0 technologies with the community, and therefore have been described as Community 2.0, although strong community bonds have been forged online since the early 1970s on timeshare systems like PLATO and later on USENET. Online communities depend upon social interaction and exchange between users online.

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Social Media Optimization

Social Media Optimization (or SMO or Social SEO) is the methodization of social media activity with the intent of attracting unique visitors to website content. SMO is one of many online methods of website optimization. One of the many other methods is search engine optimization or SEO.

There are two categories of SMO/Social SEO methods:

(a) Social media features added to the content itself, including: RSS feeds, social news and sharing buttons, user rating and polling tools, and incorporating third-party community functionalities like images and videos

(b) Promotional activities in social media aside from the content being promoted, including: blogging, commenting on other blogs, participating in discussion groups, and posting status updates on social networking profiles

Social Media Optimization is related to search engine marketing, but differs in several ways, primarily the focus on driving traffic from sources other than search engines, though improved search ranking is also a benefit of successful SMO.

Social Media Optimization is in many ways connected as a technique to viral marketing where word of mouth is created not through friends or family but through the use of networking in social bookmarking, video and photo sharing websites. In a similar way the engagement with blogs achieves the same by sharing content through the use of RSS in the blogosphere and special blog search engines.

Social Media Optimization is considered an integral part of an online reputation management (ORM) or Search Engine Reputation Management (SERM) strategy for organizations or individuals who care about their online presence.

Social Media Optimization (SMO), is not limited to marketing and brand building. Increasingly smart businesses are integrating social media participation as part of their knowledge management strategy (ie. product/service development, recruiting, employee engagement and turnover, brand building, customer satisfaction and relations, business development and more). Additionally, Social Media Optimization is often at times implemented to foster a community of the associated site, allowing for a healthy business to consumer relationship
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Digital Media Through Presssix

About Presssix

Anyone can have a good idea but not everyone can make you money. We create significant marketing strategies that positively influence your bottom line through our smart, proven, track able approach of telling the world all about you.

Our ability to understand the importance of integrated relationships is what makes us so very valuable to the organizations that put their faith in us.

Having Press Six on your side means taping into a network of the utmost caliber media professionals who work tirelessly to craft the perfect pitch and presentation for your product or service. While building websites, developing mobile apps to the masses, and creating pretty brochures with snazzy catch phrases are all very important; these things only work best when they are all working together.

We're a friendly bunch, so if you'd like to discuss your digital marketing requirements in more detail then we'd be delighted to meet up with you.  Click here to get in touch

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Brand Identity Marketing

A brand is the identity of a specific product, service, or business.A brand can take many forms, including a name, sign, symbol, color combination or slogan. The word branding began simply as a way to tell one person's cattle from another by means of a hot iron stamp. A legally protected brand name is called a trademark. The word brand has continued to evolve to encompass identity - it affects the personality of a product, company or service.

The outward expression of a brand, including its name, trademark, communications, and visual appearance. Because the identity is assembled by the brand owner, it reflects how the owner wants the consumer to perceive the brand - and by extension the branded company, organization, product or service. This is in contrast to the brand image, which is a customer's mental picture of a brand. The brand owner will seek to bridge the gap between the brand image and the brand identity.

Effective brand names build a connection between the brand personality as it is perceived by the target audience and the actual product/service. The brand name should be conceptually on target with the product/service (what the company stands for). Furthermore, the brand name should be on target with the brand demographic. Typically, sustainable brand names are easy to remember, transcend trends and have positive connotations. Brand identity is fundamental to consumer recognition and symbolizes the brand's differentiation from competitors.

Brand identity is what the owner wants to communicate to its potential consumers. However, over time, a product's brand identity may acquire (evolve), gaining new attributes from consumer perspective but not necessarily from the marketing communications an owner percolates to targeted consumers. Therefore, brand associations become handy to check the consumer's perception of the brand.

Brand identity needs to focus on authentic qualities - real characteristics of the value and brand promise being provided and sustained by organizational and/or production characteristics.

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Business Card

Business cards are cards bearing business information about a company or individual. They are shared during formal introductions as a convenience and a memory aid. A business card typically includes the giver's name, company affiliation (usually with a logo) and contact information such as street addresses, telephone number(s), fax number, e-mail addresses and website. It can also include telex, bank account, tax code. Traditionally many cards were simple black text on white stock; today a professional business card will sometimes include one or more aspects of striking visual design.

Business cards are printed on some form of card stock, the visual effect, method of printing, cost and other details varying according to cultural or organizational norms and personal preferences. The common weight of a business card varies some by location. Generally, business cards are printed on stock that is 350 g/m² (density), 45 kg (100 lb) (weight), or 12 pt (thickness).

High quality business cards without full-color photographs are normally printed using spot colors on sheet-fed offset printing presses. Some companies have gone so far as to trademark their spot colors (examples are UPS brown, Los Angeles Lakers' purple, and Tide's orange). If a business card logo is a single color and the type is another color, the process is considered two color. More spot colors can be added depending on the needs of the card. With the onset of digital printing, and batch printing, it is now cost effective to print business cards in full color.

To simulate the "raised-print" effect of printing with engraved plates, a less-expensive process called thermography was developed that uses the application of a plastic powder, which adheres to the wet ink. The cards are then passed through a heating unit, which melts the plastic onto the card. Spot UV varnish onto matte laminate can also have a similar effect.

Full color cards, or cards that use many colors, are printed on sheetfed presses as well; however, they use the CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, and black) four-color printing process. Screens of each color overprinted on one another create a wide gamut of color. The downside to this printing method is that screened colors if examined closely will reveal tiny dots, whereas spot color cards are printed solid in most cases. Spot colors should be used for simple cards with line art or non-black type that is smaller than 5 points.

Some terminology in reference to full-color printing:
4/0 - Full Color Front / No Print On Back
4/1 - Full Color Front / One color On reverse
4/4 - Full Color Front / Full Color Back
These names are pronounced as "four over zero," "four over one," or in some cases "four over four".

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