Logo Design - Logo Template

Logo design is an important area of graphic design, and one of the most difficult to perfect. The logo (ideogram), is the image embodying an organization. Because logos are meant to represent companies' brands or corporate identities and foster their immediate customer recognition, it is counterproductive to frequently redesign logos.

Color is considered important to brand recognition, but it should not be an integral component to the logo design, which could conflict with its functionality. Some colors are formed/associated with certain emotions that the designer wants to convey. For instance loud primary colors, such as red, are meant to attract the attention of drivers on highways are appropriate for companies that require such attention. In the United States red, white, and blue are often used in logos for companies that want to project patriotic feelings. Green is often associated with the health and hygiene sector, and light blue or silver is often used to reflect diet foods. For other brands, more subdued tones and lower saturation can communicate reliability, quality, relaxation, or other traits.

Logo Template

The main difference between a regular logo and Logo Templates is that  Logo Templates are developed to reflect the main idea of the industry not the particular company. To meet the company's theme you will probably need to do some customization: change company name, colors, etc. Template Monster offers two kinds of Logo Templates: Unique and Non-Unique. When a logo template is purchased at the Unique price, it is removed from our database so that you get an absolutely exclusive logo design at an affordable price. Non-Unique Logo Templates can't be bought under the unique price, as they aren't eligible for the unique category once they've been bought at the regular price.

More info About Logo Templates : http://www.presssix.com/cms/our-services/corporate-identity-building-services.html

Digital Media Marketing Hyderabad, India.

Corporate Identity

In marketing, a corporate identity is the "persona" of a corporation which is designed to accord with and facilitate the attainment of business objectives. It is usually visibly manifested by way of branding and the use of trademarks.

Corporate identity comes into being when there is a common ownership of an organizational philosophy that is manifest in a distinct corporate culture — the corporate personality. At its most profound, the public feel that they have ownership of the philosophy. Often referred to as organizational identity, corporate identity helps organizations to answer questions like “who are we?” and “where are we going?” Corporate identity also allows consumers to denote their sense of belonging with particular human aggregates or groups.

In general, this amounts to a corporate title, logo (logotype and/or logogram), and supporting devices commonly assembled within a set of guidelines. These guidelines govern how the identity is applied and confirm approved colour palettes, typefaces, page layouts and other such methods of maintaining visual continuity and brand recognition across all physical manifestations of the brand. These guidelines are usually formulated into a package of tools called corporate identity manuals.

Many companies, such as McDonald's and Electronic Arts, have their own identity that runs through all of their products and merchandise. The trademark "M" logo and the yellow and red appears consistently throughout the McDonald's packaging and advertisements. Many companies pay large amounts of money for the research, design and execution involved in creating an identity that is extremely distinguishable and appealing to the company's target audience.


Online Movie Promotions Through Press Six

There are hundreds of tactics that you can use to promote your movie online, including:

• Banner Advertising

• Pay-Per-Click Advertising

• Blog Movie Reviews

• Social bookmarking

• Facebook pages

• MySpace pages

• Twitter pages

• Advertising within movie review websites

• and many more....

Our team of online marketing experts will develop a strategy that includes:

• Specific measurable outcomes
• Integrating any of your team into the work-flow
• Tactics that match your time-line, budget and needs
• Analysis of which social media marketing tactics best suit your demographic, your time-line and your budget.
• Tried and true online marketing methods.
• Cutting edge tactics.
• Examples of how others are marketing their movies online

More Info About Online Movie Promotions :


Broadcast Media

Broadcasting is the distribution of audio and video content to a dispersed audience via radio, television, or other. Receiving parties may include the general public or a relatively large subset of thereof.

Broadcasting antenna in StuttgartThe original term broadcast referred to the literal sowing of seeds on farms by scattering them over a wide field. It was first adopted by early radio engineers from the Midwestern United States to refer to the analogous dissemination of radio signals. Broadcasting forms a very large segment of the mass media. Broadcasting to a very narrow range of audience is called narrowcasting.


Forms of Electronic Broadcasting

Historically, there have been several different types of electronic broadcasting media:

Telephone broadcasting (1881–1932): the earliest form of electronic broadcasting (not counting data services offered by stock telegraph companies from 1867, if ticker-tapes are excluded from the definition). Telephone broadcasting began with the advent of Théâtrophone ("Theatre Phone") systems, which were telephone-based distribution systems allowing subscribers to listen to live opera and theatre performances over telephone lines, created by French inventor Clément Ader in 1881. Telephone broadcasting also grew to include telephone newspaper services for news and entertainment programming which were introduced in the 1890s, primarily located in large European cities. These telephone-based subscription services were the first examples of electrical/electronic broadcasting and offered a wide variety of programming .

Radio broadcasting (experimentally from 1906, commercially from 1920): radio broadcasting is an audio (sound) broadcasting service, broadcast through the air as radio waves from a transmitter to an antenna and, thus, to a receiving device. Stations can be linked in radio networks to broadcast common programming, either in syndication or simulcast or both.

Television broadcasting (telecast), experimentally from 1925, commercially from the 1930s: this video-programming medium was long-awaited by the general public and rapidly rose to compete with its older radio-broadcasting sibling.

Cable radio (also called "cable FM", from 1928) and cable television (from 1932): both via coaxial cable, serving principally as transmission mediums for programming produced at either radio or television stations, with limited production of cable-dedicated programming.

Satellite television (from circa 1974) and satellite radio (from circa 1990): meant for direct-to-home broadcast programming (as opposed to studio network uplinks and downlinks), provides a mix of traditional radio or television broadcast programming, or both, with satellite-dedicated programming.

Webcasting of video/television (from circa 1993) and audio/radio (from circa 1994) streams: offers a mix of traditional radio and television station broadcast programming with internet-dedicated webcast programming.

5 Vital Tools for Your Digital PR Efforts

The public relations field has seen a dramatic shift from old to new technologies. The majority of PR efforts have moved from the offline world to the online world. This change has required old school PR professionals to adapt totally new strategies in order to stay in business. Here are 5 important tools in digital PR that all PR professionals must familiarize themselves with.

1. Blogging

Blogging is an incredible asset to online PR because it gives you an opportunity to build your brand and improve your search engine ranking. When you create a company blog that contains highly relevant and captivating content, you can connect with prospects, customers, and other people in your niche. Blogging helps you build authority.

When you ensure that your blog posts have plenty of links pointing to them and that they are rich with target keywords, they rank well in the search engines. As a result, influential journalists and bloggers may come across your blog posts when they are researching stories. References and links to your post will serve to further improve your ranking and reputation.

2. Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization is one of the most important tools in digital PR. SEO improves the search engine ranking of content such as press releases, blog posts, news articles, images, and video, making it easier for journalists, analysts, and bloggers to find you when they search for information about your industry. The key to success in search engine optimization is optimizing your content for target keywords and phrases.

3. Social Media

In this day and age, understanding and using social media participation to your advantage is essential in digital PR. When you get involved in social media communities, you can reach your target audience and connect with influential people, allowing you to build a stronger brand. When you build a positive presence on social media sites, it accentuates the positive aspects of your brand and dispels the negative. The key to success is actually getting involved in the social media community and connecting with people on a personal level, rather than just using social media as a way to drop links and purely promote your products/services.

4. Optimizing Multimedia

A company’s message and influence can have a much further reach if it optimizes more than just standard text for search. The internet provides a full-sensory experience complete with video, audio, images, animation, podcasts, and more. By optimizing these different forms of media, you can improve search-based discovery and receive additional exposure.

5. Monitoring Brand Reputation with Social Media

By using tools like Google Alerts, Twitter, and Social Mention, digital PR professionals can monitor what is being said about their brand. Monitoring social media websites helps you collect feedback, keep up with industry news, respond to negative news immediately, and keep tabs on your competitors.

If you approach digital PR with these 5 vital tools, you’re sure to receive more press coverage than your peers, who rely solely on press releases, phone calls, and emails to get media attention. When you create and promote content on social media websites and leverage keyword optimization, you can build relationships with influential online personalities and make it easier for journalists to find you when they are searching for information about your industry online.

Tips for Effective Internet Marketing

Effective Internet marketing is becoming tougher as thousands of new websites are popped up everyday. Many Internet marketers feel it to be an uphill task to get their websites noticed by the surfers. However, you should always remember the fact that, Internet Marketing is nor an easy task, neither an uphill task. By following certain rules and planning according certain key factors, anyone will be able to create successful Internet marketing campaigns. Just keep reading on the article to know the 3 most wanted tips for creating successful Internet marketing campaigns.

Select the right type of Internet Marketing

You will be aware of the fact that 'Internet Marketing' refers to many other online sub-marketing types (say) Search engine Optimization, affiliate marketing, marketing through Social media and blogs etc. It has to be noted that not all the Internet marketing strategies will work good for all kinds on online businesses. For example, promotion of online businesses through online videos will bring great success for the Internet marketing campaigns of household items and technology related online businesses whereas this method will not be that effective for other types of online businesses

Don't avoid SEO

Search Engine Optimization is an Internet marketing strategy that cannot be avoided by any kinda online business. Without proper search engine optimization, your website will eventually get lost in the vast Internet Ocean. You won't be able to get success in any other Internet marketing campaign (no matter how hard you try) if SEO is not done properly to your website. Search engine Optimization too has different sub-strategies. It can be further classified as on-page SEO and Off-page SEO. Both the search engine optimization strategies are very much important to get your website highlight in the online business crowd. It has to be noted that improper SEO is a complete waste of time and revenue. Hence it is always good to get some professional assistance. Thankfully there are many professional SEO consultants available today. The SEO consultant will analyze your website and will assist you in finding the best suited SEO strategy for your website. By paying a nominal fee to the SEO consultant you will be able to put up a great, successful SEO strategy for Internet marketing of your website.

Success won't show up overnight

People have a misconception that, Internet Marketing if done right will magically get the desired results in no time. The true fact is that, Internet Marketing even if done right will take some time to show the desired results. Moreover, Internet marketing is not a one time process. For example, search engine optimization should be done continually to get your website on the top of search engine results. You should also change the SEO strategies that you use according to the trend. This is where the use SEO consultant comes in handy.

Link Building

Link Building - Its Importance And Effects On SEO

Link building is one of the major approaches of "off page SEO". Ethical SEO is made up of 2 different types of SEO that is On Page SEO and Off Page SEO. Link building is the number one strategy in off page SEO which helps to build popularity, increase search engine rankings and helps to improve page rank. On Page SEO is done on the pages of a website to maximize its performance in the search engines for target keywords related to the on-page content.

Off Page SEO is done off the pages of a website to maximize its performance in the search engines for target keywords. Link building is the technique of increasing the amount of overall links to your website, and these links can either be internal or external links/Backlinks. Backlinks are links that are directed towards your website and more the number of backlinks a website possess, the more popular the website is. One of the most effective ways of increasing the number of backlinks is to ensure that content quality is unique, informative, entertaining and useful. You can also go for link exchange with other websites which can be done through contacting the owners of the other website via their contacts page. Effective link building is now seen as an important part of any online marketing activity. Some reasons for developing links on your websites are:

* Links are your property on the internet.
* Links bring in traffic to your site.
* Extreme Search Engine Coverage.

Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing is the promoting of brands using all forms of digital advertising channels to reach consumers. This now includes Television, Radio, Internet, mobile, social media marketing and any other form of digital media.

Whilst digital marketing does include many of the techniques and practices contained within the category of Internet Marketing, it extends beyond this by including other channels with which to reach people that do not require the use of The Internet. As a result of this non-reliance on the Internet, the field of digital marketing includes a whole host of elements such as mobile phones, sms/mms, display / banner ads and digital outdoor.

Previously seen as a stand-alone service in its own right, it is frequently being seen as a domain that can and does cover most, if not all, of the more traditional marketing areas such as Direct Marketing by providing the same method of communicating with an audience but in a digital fashion. Digital is now being broadened to support the "servicing" and "engagement" of customers.
